MINDGAMERS (2017) – Movie Trailer
MINDGAMERS – In a near future, human minds are all linked thanks to a new technology. But this scientific revolution puts humanity in danger…
In MindGamers, a group of brilliant young students make a scientific breakthrough: the creation of a wireless neural network, connected via a quantum computer and capable of linking human minds. Transferring motor-skills from one brain to another, they engender the first human shareware. Freely spreading this technology, they see it as a step towards a new equality and intellectual freedom. But they soon discover that they themselves are part of a much greater and more sinister experiment, as dark forces emerge and threaten to subvert this technology into a means of mass-control.
Cast : Sam Neill, Tom Payne, Melia Kreiling
Release Date : March 2017
Genre : Sci Fi, Thriller
MINDGAMERS Movie Trailer
© 2016 – Terra Mater Film
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