True Memoirs of an International Assassin (2016)
True Memoirs of an International Assassin – A mild-mannered would-be author gets mistaken for a killer-for-hire when his fictional novel is published as a true story…
The action comedy stars Kevin James as Sam Larson, a mild-mannered would-be author who gets mistaken for a killer-for-hire when his fictional novel about an international assassin is published as a true story. When the book is a huge success, he is suddenly kidnapped, taken out of the country, and forced into an assassination plot.
True Memoirs of an International Assassin
A Movie directed by Jeff Wadlow
Cast : Kevin James, Maurice Compte, Andy Garcia
Release Date : November 11 on Netflix
Genre : Action, Comedy
True Memoirs of an International Assassin Trailer
ยฉ 2016 – Netflix
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